duminică, 25 martie 2012


Coordonator: Prof. Limba Engleza Ana-Monica Cojocarescu
Elevii clasei a VIII-a - Scoala cu Clasele I-VIII Valea Seaca, jud. Bacau

We live in Romania. Although it is a small country, Romania is very beautiful. It has sparkling waters, large plains, high mountains, and the people that live here are very hard working. In terms of tourism our country has much to offer. Tourists from the entire world come to visit us. Important place in Romania are: Cehlau – the Holy Mountain of the Dacians, the Cave of Zamolxe, Sarmizegetusa – the City of Gods, Lacu Rosu – the only natural barrage lake in Romania.
Our traditional food is varied, but the tourists love to eat mince-meat rolls in cabbage or in wine leaves (sarmale) with maize porridge and sour cream.
In Romania are many talented people: they paint, sing, dance etc. Also, there are a lot of Romanian students that study in well-known universities all over the world.
Romania has the biggest number of bears in Europe. Many of them live in natural parks, such as:  Munţii Apuseni, Bucegi, Retezat-Godeanu, Piatra Craiului, Cheile Nerei-Beuşniţa etc. Also in Vânători-Neamţ we have a very important natural reservation of buffaloes.
There are a lat of animals and plants protected by law: the chamois, the bear, the deer, the wolf, the wild boar, the rooster. Among the protected plants we number: the Lady's-slipper Orchid, the Tulipan, the Mountain Peony, the Bears’ Grapes, the Edelweiss, the European White Waterlily, the Carthusian Pink Ridge, the White Ivy, the Garden Angelica, and others.
This is our country we are proud of it.

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